AUGUST 9th, 2025
The Perkins Center/ Jimmy Dean Theater
11810 Centre St Chester, VA 23831
10 am – prejudging
3 pm – finals
Check In’s:
Homewood Suites 8/8 from 5-7 pm
12810 Old Stage Rd
Chester VA 23836
Entry Price – $130 per class
Backstage pass – $180, must have NPC card.
You can register at check-Ins the day before the show with a one-time $25 late fee.
Must have a current NPC card.
Box office does not accept cash. Please book your ticket in advance online using the links below:
Prejudging –
Finals –
Combo –
A valid NPC card is required for competitor entry to any show.
Greg Diesel Walck is the official photographer of the event.
Crossovers available to compete in all divisions & categories in which they qualify.
Open – Open to any NPC Athlete – Novice – An NPC athlete that has never placed first in their class in a novice, masters or open contest.
Masters – Must be at least 35, 40, 45, 50 or 60 years of age or older as of competition date in 2024.
True Novice – For first-time NPC competitors only.
Teen – This division is open to athletes 18 and 19 years old. The athlete must be at least 18 years old on the day of the competition and may compete in the Teen division up to the day prior to their 20th birthday. Rule Update: 1/28/2022
Host Hotel
Chester VA 23836
*Competition suits must be worn at weigh-ins.
*No “T” back suits. *Bikini suits must be in good taste. Minimum 50% glute coverage.
*Bikini Competitors – It is recommended you bring 2 suits.
*Approved & Official Classic Physique Shorts:
Music required ONLY for Bodybuilding, Fitness, Women’s Physique & Classic Men’s Physique.
After completing payment, all Athletes receive a confirmation email from Muscleware.
If applicable for your category, confirmation emails include a link you can use to upload your posing routine music (mp3 files only). Muscleware online posing routine music uploading will remain open until Wednesday evening before the event.
All Athletes who have not uploaded their posing routine music must bring it in on a CD or USB drive.
Following are descriptions of the various competitor divisions. The available divisions and classes (such as height, weight or age ranges) will vary in different events. If you have questions, use the contact us to get in touch.
True Novice Divisions
Competitors have NEVER competed in the NPC before.
Novice Divisions
Competitors have not won their class in an NPC competition.
Teen Division
Competitor must be at least 18 years old, and not over the age of 19 on the day of the competition.
Collegiate Division
Competitor must be taking college courses during that calendar year and must not be over 25 years of age
Masters Divisions
Competitors must be over the age(s) shown on the day of the competition, such as “Over 35” or “Over 40”.
All Bodybuilding, Women Physique and Men Classic Physique competitors will perform their routines at the Finals, limited to 60 seconds.
30-second routines may or may not be required at prejudging. This will be determined by the judges at the event based on the number of competitors. You may inquire when you check in.
Competitor posing music for finals must be the ONLY music provided (not entire songs) and can only be a maximum of 60 seconds.
All Bodybuilding, Classic Physique and Women Physique contestants MUST supply their own music.
BRING YOUR MUSIC to checkin (USB or thumb drive preferred).
Vulgar music is NOT be permitted and will be grounds for disqualification.
Elevate your stage presence glow with Glamourous Rayz! Rayanne Collins and her team of beauty specialists have an innate talent for transforming athletes to highlight their hard work and beauty. With 20 years of combined experience in hair and makeup, Rayanne and her trusted team are dedicated to creating a look for you to shine on stage!